The purpose of this competition is multi-lawyered:
The Louisiana Trial Advocacy Board desires to promote academia by having current law students from Louisiana simulate a trial using the knowledge gained in law school, hoping that feedback from current attorneys and elected judges will aid them in their future careers.
We desire to create camaraderie amongst the legal communities by creating camaraderie amongst the law schools. We hope this will have a "branching-out" effect among the communities, as each school has and will continue to have alumni genuinely vested in Louisiana's upbuilding.
We desire to bridge the gap between undergraduate pre-law students and current law students by showing the talents of all the law schools; aspiring law students will have an opportunity to see which law school has the potential to serve them best in the future.
We believe in giving law school prospects a view of the competition so future law school students can have a first-hand account of the effort and dedication it takes to go to law school and become an attorney.
With this competition, The Louisiana Trial Advocacy Board hopes to set a standard of excellence while encouraging future lawyer leaders to do the same thing when they enter the legal community.